Exploring Realms Beyond Imagination
Step into realms of fantasy and join my journey in bringing new worlds to life.
Author Profile
Nick Child is a fantasy fiction author who weaves the fantastical and the unbelievable into immersive, gripping tales. With a passion for mythology, history, and the supernatural, he crafts stories that transport readers to otherworldly realms. His stories blend rich world-building, deep lore, and fast-paced action, drawing inspiration from ancient legends, forgotten histories, and the mysteries of the universe.
Nick has always been fascinated by the interplay between myth and reality. Growing up on a steady diet of epic fantasy, folklore, and classic literature, he set out to create his own worlds filled with adventure, magic, and destiny.
His series, The Asanja Saga, delves into a universe where gods, legends, and lost histories collide. The series includes Realms Beyond, Realms Corrupted, Realms Forsaken, and Realms Unravelled.
Born and bred in Yorkshire, when he’s not writing, Nick enjoys running, exploring ancient sites, blowing the saxophone—mostly off-key, but with enthusiasm, and playing games with his family.
He believes that the best stories are those that make the impossible feel real.

Contact me: info@NickChild.com
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